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LLL Philosophy

Mothering through breast­feeding; where mom breastfeeds on demand is the most natural way of satisfying the baby's needs, as well as the most effective. Where mother and baby are together often for a healthy relationship and milk supply.

Human milk is made for babies and changes as their needs change

Natural birth helps establish breastfeeding
The loving support of the mother's partner helps with breastfeeding
The first few years, the baby wants need to be with his mother, this is normal and is his basic need.
Human milk is the only food necessary until about 6 months of age
Food for mother and baby is as close to its natural state as possible
Breastfeeding continues until the child outgrows it
Children need loving guidance, where mom is accepting and sensitive.

(Wiessinge, 2011)


Wiessinger, Diane, Diana West, and Teresa Pitman. The womanly art of breastfeeding. London, England: Pinter & Martin, 2011. 

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